TCM means Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is an acient medical system that is still being used today.
TCM is a different medical system which has been practiced for several thousands years, and accumulated lots of treatment experience for numerous diseased conditions. TCM focus on the human body function, treat the body and very effective. The patient should not lose hope in any difficult condition to seek help. Here is the ancient doctors said in the 1st chapter of Lingshu book two to three thousands years ago:
“When the five zang organs are afflicted by illness, it is like a thorn, something foul, something tied in a knot, or something obstructed. When there is a thorn (within the body), even though it may have been present for some time it still it may be removed . When the body has been afflicted by something foul, even though it has been present for some time, it stil may be made (as clean) as snow. When there is something tied in a knot, even though it has been knotted for some time, it still it may be be untied. When there is an obstruction, even though it be present for a long time, still it may be be unblocked.
There are those who say that such things cannot be cured. The truth is that those who are skilled in acupuncture can cure such diseases. They can pull out the thorn, clean away what is foul, untie what is knotted and unblock what is obstructed . Even though a disease has been present for some time it still may be cured. Those who say otherwise do not understand the art of acupuncture.