Act Acupuncture Clinic

(ACC provider)




Ring Harvey Wang and book an appointment. Often Harvey spends quite some time at the first appointment listening to your past health problems, activities and symptoms so he can decide which services will achieve the best results for you. EMAIL ME or FINE MY LOCATION


Case 1: An 84 years old man who had suffered from both knee pain and had been using walking sticks for about one year. He stopped using walking sticks after the first Navel needling treatment. The second treatment was given to him to enhance the results. He hasn’t needed his walking sticks since then.

Case 2: A 64 years old project manager who had suffered for years from misplaced lumber discs. He had been taking pain killers. He felt worse about one year ago and came to my clinic through friend’s recommendation. He had obvious improvement after three treatments and had qualitative change after eight treatments. He now just feels some sore after big project, and occasionally comes for improvement treatment.

Case 3: A lady who had suffered from a swollen leg for more than 20 years. She had been to many places. When she first visited Harvey Wang at HNB Clinic, her husband drove her there because she couldn’t drive with her swollen leg. After the forth flame treatment, she came on her own driving.

Case 4: A man came with sore shoulders and told Harvey he couldn’t sleep well because of the pain in his shoulders. Harvey combined acupuncture and massage to treat him. When he came the second time, he told Harvey that he had slept a lot better.

Case 5: A lady suffered from migraine for several months and could not study well due to the pain. She was introduced to Harvey by her friend. She did not have headaches again just after once treatment. She has not had the pain again after second treatment to now.

Case 6: A man who is a taxi driver. He suffered itchy skin for years. He could not stop the itchiness with any method when he came to HNB clinic. He said he even could not release the itchiness with the anti itchy cream or tablets. After two treatments, his cream made his itchiness disappear. And now he has released the itchiness all after fifteen treatments. He did not give up, and he got the good result.

Case 7: A lady had suffered pain from menstruation for years. She always felt very painful two days before her period came. She could not move for the first couple of days when she was having it and she had to take pain killers. After two month treatment (twice a week), she only had half or one day with pain when her period first came and became totally fine after that.